There is no doubt that what you practise in training sessions is what you are most likely to do in competition. Conversely it is very difficult to do what you do not practise.
Veteran member, Gary Stutsel, 84, was an excellent example of this when he attempted to swim 100m breaststroke using a turn technique that he hasn’t practised for at least 5 years. Having managed to get it right on his first turn he made a complete mess of it on his second turn in the 100m breaststroke at the Masters Swimming NSW Short Course Championships. At the pool end he touched the wall with first one hand then the other instead of touching with both together. This was a cardinal sin, especially for Gary as he has 1) swum in more than 100 breaststroke races in the past 70 years, and 2) until very recently he was an active referee and an international guru on the rules of swimming.
Gary managed to swim his other four events without fault but he says this incident shows why you must at all times swim within the rules and practise, practise, practise what you intend to do.
Gary was one of 14 Canberra swimmers swimming in the competition the others coming from Tuggeranong Vikings (12) and Woden (1). In all there were 230 swimmers entered, representing 34 clubs from Hobart to Brisbane with 31 clubs from the NSW branch of Masters Swimming Australia. The Molonglo Water Dragons finished 30th but if Gary had done the right thing we would have been 24th. Gary said he was very happy with his swims because he had recently been advised to keep his heart rate below 160 bpm and over the two days it did not go past 125bpm. His times and places are listed following.