Fifteen enthusiastic swimmers from the Club and friends from the Tuggeranong Vikings and Lifeline joined together as the Molonglo Megasaurs and participated in the MS 24 Hour Swim at the Australian Institute of Sport on 5-6 August 2023.
We swam 57.55km and raised (at last count) an amazing $5932, putting the team 3rd on the team fundraising leaderboard for the Canberra MS Megaswim. This is a fantastic contribution to a great cause while allowing swimmers to achieve some great distance and timed swim goals. By all accounts all the Megasaurs enjoyed their personal swim challenges no matter how far they swam or the way they decided to swim – everything from a 50m noodle race, 100m relays, relaxed laps, 1500m and 1-hour timed swims, to several kilometre marathon swims. An awesome effort by everyone! No one was daunted by the late night and early morning swim sessions either.
Not all the action was in the pool: MS organisers maintained a positive atmosphere at the pool throughout the swim with upbeat music and a roving MS Ambassador, and who could forget the eternal Elvis, who reappeared and entertained us deckside on Sunday morning.
This was a totally enjoyable event which seems to have become a tradition for many of the Megasaur swimmers. Hopefully we can continue to support this great cause through our swimming in the future!
Thank you to all the Megasaurs – John Collis, Marg Wade, Kylie Lane, Liesl Peters, Nicole McMahon, Paris McMahon, Chris Loose, Marg Hadfield, Alison Compston, Tanya Colyer, Sandy Smith, Edwin Auzins, Chris Hayhoe, Evan Kidd, Marg Larkin. And our deckside supporters Kirsty and Ken, and all our wonderful donors!